
Lets let it go.

Lets let it go. We all are living a life of our Karma.
Everything in repeat. Let's discard old life to see the reality. Let's let go old us, so that we can be a what we real are!🌠 2019
I let you go
I let you go

Along with you
I let go all my pain
I let go all my fear
I let go all my sufferings
I let go all my struggles

I let you go
I let you go
I let go you go to completely
I let you go so that I live freely
I let everything about you

I let go bad moments
I let go good moments
I let go people
I let go enemies

I let you go
I let you go so that I can reborn
I let you go so that I can live in today!
I let you go so that I can see a new world
with the eyes of baby!

I let you go!

2019,new year,let it go,how to let go things,how to be relax,how to live in present,how to surrender to universe,how to start new year,

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