
North Lanarkshire shoppers are urged to be aware of fake online sites scam

North Lanarkshire shoppers are urged to be aware of fake online sites scam Lanarkshire Police Division have warned new year shoppers planning on using the internet to stay vigilant of fake websites.  Scams are rife this time of year and many shoppers may fall victim to the hard-to-spot tactics used by criminals.  Police say that you should make sure that the site you are buying goods from is genuine by ensuring the padlock symbol is genuine on your payment page.  You should also be using a card that allows you to claim back on goods which don’t show up.  Shoppers should always make sure they are using trusted websites they are familiar with when making purchases, as people can try and make something look like it is a great deal but it is actually a scam.  Modern technology makes life easier for paying for things, and you can now pay for items using your phone and even your watch.  But with the ease comes risk as you can be tracked physically as you wander around a location and the places you have shopped at can be recorded.  Payments on mobile devices take place via a Wi-Fi connection and if this isn’t secure, your details can be intercepted and stolen.  There is also the risk of losing your device, so it is recommended you have a pass code on it as well as keep it in a safe place.  For more tips on how to stay protected, visit  And if you think you have fallen victim to a scam, call the Police on 101. North Lanarkshire shoppers are urged to be aware of fake online sites scam
Police Scotland,Wishaw

Police Scotland,Wishaw,

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