
The Gratitude Response - Conscious Parenting with Vivek Patel

The Gratitude Response - Conscious Parenting with Vivek Patel The Gratitude Response
One of the most powerful secrets to increasing harmony and cooperation in your home.

So many parents struggle with how to work with or discipline their kids in such a way that they learn proper values and their homes are places of harmony and cooperation. Often the strategies that we employ end up bringing us the opposite results.

The system of thinking handed down to us is that strong boundaries and clear expectations, combined with rewards for positive behavior and consequences for undesirable behavior, will produce the kind of environment that we want in our homes.

The thing is, that is rarely ever the case. Rewards and punishment are not effective strategies in producing long term harmony and cooperation or deep relationships where people care about each other's needs.

In fact, when we engage with someone regularly from the coersive mindset, it degrades the relationship they have with us and degrades the relationship they have with themselves.

The gratitude response is a way of responding to our children in difficult moments, and even in positive moments, so that they have a different experience of us.

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