
Lisa Stansfield - Carry On (Reproduction 20|20)

Lisa Stansfield  -  Carry On  (Reproduction 20|20) Fair use.

I have significantly transformed the content claimed in my video;
the video is protected by fair use, fair dealing or similar exceptions to copyright.

Public domain.

The content claimed in my video is in the public domain and is no longer protected by copyright.

I Declare that All credits go to the artists and everyone involved with the original video.

This video has been in the public domain since it's release and their is no breach or money made in the reproduction,
it's merly for the future generations and FREE P.R for the artist and everyone connected.

No offence is intended here in this reproduction for 20/20.

CRAIG JARDINE (DJ.Jazzy J) Cave Adsum Video's (c)

lisa stansfield,ian devaney,MonkeynatraEdel,snowboy,cave adsum,djjazzyj,earmusic,

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