

SPIRITUAL SPOKEN WORD: 'ENDLESS' I remain friendless in this endless existence. I show resistance yet wish to mend this. Bridge between myself and Me, the lightning i carry in my cells, my chest swells. Breathe. Remove the sheathe and brandish the sword of light. I command this word, i will win this fight.

My mind tries controlling this path of mine. I am a swine, frugal and weak. Without Me by my side how could i hope to seek. A way to create roars in the meek. Stand on your own two feet. Let your soul sweep.

Away the tears and the fears as my faith hears the distractions of mind. Extraction by Thine is all i require. My only desire. Be one with your fire. Your flame. Your name. I am the referee for this game. I break no rules but my own. I bring the fools into my home. Let them be free.

No longer friendless in this endless existence. I show no resistance and have the tools to mend this. Bridge between myself and Me, the lightning i carry in my cells, my chest swells. Breathe. Remove the sheathe and brandish the sword of light. I command this word, i will send back the night.


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