
The Four Types of Novel Writers

The Four Types of Novel Writers Knowing what type of writer you are can help you to find strategies that best utilize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.


02:20 Plotter vs. Pantser

Plotter: A writer who plans their story before writing the first draft.

Pantser: A writer who "flies by the seat of their pants" when writing the first draft (doesn't plan).

06:20 Intuitive vs. Methodological

Intuitive: A writer who bases their story and edits on their gut feelings and instincts.

Methodological: A writer who bases their story and/or edits on techniques, methods, and theories.

11:23 The Basics of the Four Types

11:51 Intuitive Pantser - A writer who has better results when NOT plotting or planning the first draft. They are able to intuitively sense the flow and rhythm of a story as they write and edit.

13:47 Intuitive Plotter - A writer who needs to plan before the first draft but does so based on intuition or gut feeling rather than following a specific method or structural system.

15:38 Methodological Plotter - A writer who needs/utilizes both a strong grasp on methods or techniques as well as thorough planning before writing.

17:56 Methodological Pantser - A writer who needs a strong grasp of methods or techniques yet they tend to have a vision that grows and develops as they work so they also need the freedom of pantsing or a less rigid planning system.


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