
i just want to be happy ✿ once listen ✿

i just want to be happy ✿ once listen ✿ ✔ all my subliminal are made with zillion power
we talk about zillion when we exceed " Googolplex " and " Skewes’ Number "
zillion is simply a term used to refer to an undetermined extremely large quantity


this subliminal contains affirmations about :

✔ getting instantly and permanently :

- happy all the time
- feeling that each cell of your body is happy
- happiness energy flow into your body
- always laugh from happiness
- always crying from laughters
- only think about happy moments
- only feel happy feelings
- only live happy moments
- your life is full of happiness
- happiness all around you
- happiness energy dwells on your soul
- always laughing and smiling because you feel happy
-happiness embrace you tightly
- your life is full of happy moments
- your life is full of adventures
- always try somthing exciting
- your life is full of excitement
- you deserve to be happy all the time
- attract happy people into your life
-you always wake up happy
- you always drift off to sleep happy
- you always spend your days happy
- happy 24/7
- grateful that you are happy all the time

✔ permanent results / powerful booster

-desired permanent results instantly
-subliminal results are part of the DNA
-get fast permanent results from one listen
- DNA accepts safely the results to be permanent
- get desired fast permanent results
- subconscious mind allows the permanence of desired results
- subconscious minds accepts only desired results to be permanent
- results are permanent after one listen
- intention to get desired permanent results
-impressed with your desired permanent results
- grateful that you get desired permanent results
- getting results inst antly / faster than planck time / everytime you blink, think, speak, eat, smile, laugh, sleep
-grateful to your subconscious mind
- These superpowerful affirmations works even if i know the superpowerful affirmations
-trust in the extreme superpower of your subconscious mind
- receiving all these superpowerful affirmations straight into your subconscious mind
- subconscious mind accepts only positive affirmations

this subliminal is created by the power of instant , layered, speeded and repeated so many times, to reach your subconscious mind as fast as light sleep

repeated layered, speeded : zillion time ( 1 x 10^46 137 344) 0,21 seconds / 300 times for 1 min

Note :
- it's fine if you don't know english
- it's fine to listen without headphones
- no need to use a booster , it's already included ( all my subliminals contain boosters )
-stay hydrated
-listen to this subliminal once is more than enough
- it's fine to multitaske while listening
- you can make it on loop overnight to get amazing results
- you can visualize / script/ meditate to get fast results
-you will get results as soon as you believe
-there's no frequencies only positive affirmations
-don't forget to make an intention before listening

request opened :

write your suggestion in the comment section or via amino, i'll take it into consideration

@amino : nycto

music included :


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