New choco merch is in! Visit and be the envy of your friends!
At the end of this game, #chocoTaco says it's got "a little bit of everything," and he's right, isn't he? From a classic Pochinkin hot drop resplendent with shotgun kills, to $50 donations about marital jealousy, to terrible loot that results in choco using a 6X AK, to crate drop battles and BRDMs, to booty spankings and K9 headshots and victory dances and Croopadoop's amazing evil villain laugh, you really can't go wrong on this one. 10/10 would recommend. #PUBG
See choco stream LIVE at
See Beth stream her editing at
Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from
Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco,