What these lights are exactly is anybody's guess.... Even though this footage clearly shows a visual anomaly, it doesn't provide any definitive clues into the precise nature of these living lights. All we are left with in terms of answers is that we are baring witness to as yet unexplanable supernatural phenomena that requires our undivided attention and much more of our collective research. Even though there is still much left to be learned as we are left with more questions than answers, we can however find satisfaction in knowing that at least for now we have a firm and solid foundation to work with. WIth this video, we can safely conclude at the very least that we have found lights that embody some of the very distinct qualities that are found in other living organisms. This alone is very exciting!. It is another example of the supernatural being very real and furthes what we all know... That this world and this reality is far more complex and surprising and astonishing than the status quo would like us accept. As always, your opinions and conclusions are welcomed and needed.
Thank you to everyone who has commented and wrote me. I have read and will continue to read all of your words. i am blown away by your kindness, your love, and your support. I truly feel we are all in this struggle together and it has been made so much easier knowing that I have brothers and sisters of such incredible and impeccable character on my side. I am so very blessed.