
It Started Out as Good Fruit

It Started Out as Good Fruit Even after cleaning the fruit, there was one good pear paired with a rotting pear. The result of the good pear was that it was also affected by the rotted one, even after I cut it away.

Who and what we surround ourselves with, affects us. Don't deceive yourself, be mindful of the you keep.

------------------ A Response from a Friend ------------
"Rewatched your fruit video. Great stuff! Also, I looked at the fruit that died on the vine similarly to the way you were thinking.... the fruit finally grew and though it took longer than you hoped or anticipated, the seed was planted and more than likely it had to endure harsh conditions, extreme heat, brutally cold weather, perhaps even difficult soil, but none the less, God brought it to pass in his time.

You were inadvertently taken away from that manifestation of God’s power and glory, and as a result, the season dried up, as did the fruit.

Likewise, we as believers in Jesus Christ sometimes don’t live in hope or expectation of God’s promises and we can get sidetracked and/or take our minds away and off of “watching and waiting” for God’s manifested power and when that happens, or if that happens to us, it could be because we became weary and weak in our faith, no longer expecting God’s glory to come to fruition." -- TWK

Galatians 6:9-10
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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