
Pt 21 Ch 20 Clearing the desire for the experience persecution to deny Light.

Pt 21 Ch 20 Clearing the desire for the experience persecution to deny Light. In this Light Circle we continue asking Jesus—a symbol of the Light within—to help reveal desires below our level of awareness so they can be cleared in the Light of Truth. We begin with Light—the immediate recognition of what is holy, whole and complete. We ask the Light to show us if there is a desire below our level of awareness for the experience of feeling persecuted. If the Light shows us that we do have the desire, we admit the desire and ask for a miracle, a change in perception. We ask the Light if there is more to see around the idea of persecution; the desire to use persecution to feel separate. We stay with the desire and listen for Jesus’ instruction to let us know when we are complete in looking at the desire. We continue looking at the desires with Jesus from Chapter 20--the desire for an experience of being persecuted by the world, the feeling of persecution being used to prove God is dead, the desire for an experience of persecuting yourself, the desire to experience persecution has value as a path to freedom, desire for suffering over being Infinite Light. We ask for a change in perception that these desired experiences have value—this is to ask for miracles. Ask for miracles without delay as they are unlimited expressions of Love. It is recommended to ask Jesus if there are any desires in Chapter 20 that need to be looked at with him in more detail.

In Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM, Jesus points to the power of direct experience of the Light within to clear denials of divinity. He shares that all the beliefs that are denials of Divinity are given in A Course in Miracles, and translates these beliefs in ANC to denials so that we can look directly with him. In Light Circles we focus on the Light first, and in this Light beliefs and desires that seem to deny awareness of unconditional Love, our true nature, are quickly cleared. And if asked, Jesus will reveal the subconscious denials. This principle is being applied daily in the mornings in and the evenings via Zoom to ACIM Course lessons. To join daily Light Circles via Zoom click here:
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This demonstrates the speed and power of looking directly at beliefs and desires with Jesus- to focus on light and follow the light within as the speedup for Spiritual Awakening.

Drop all metaphysical discussions and explanations. You are Light and as Light you can see the truth of who you are now, and through the power of who you are beliefs can be dropped immediately. Jesus will quickly reveal every belief in the subconscious mind - the chaff that needs to be burned to reveal the good wheat - Unconditional Love.

Can beliefs be cleared quickly?

To learn more about Joining in Light, start a Light Circle or to join a Joining in Light session via video conference, contact us at

Date of Recording:

ACIM,A Course in Miracles,Jesus A New Covenant,Healing,Spiritual Awakening,Enlightenment,Oneness,Freedom,Inner Peace,Divinity,Christ Mind,Love,Namaste,OM,Light Circles,Joining in Light,

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