
You Don't Have to Wait for Retirement to Find Freedom

You Don't Have to Wait for Retirement to Find Freedom The grey office cubicle is dying a slow death. Thanks to technology, many of us now have the ability to work from a laptop from anywhere across the world. New models for becoming location independent are emerging all the time, allowing everyone a path to freedom without having to retire.

This talk explores a wide variety of topics related to the location independent movement. It looks at the drivers that people have for ‘reverse-engineering’ their lives and transforming them into a more minimalist, nomadic existence. Different models for living and earning income will be explored, including freelance working, remote working with an employer, and starting a business which can be managed remotely. As 56% of nomads are aged 38+, topics such as family responsibilities, managing property back home, and developing social and business networks will also be discussed.


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