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The show that shares practical advice and know-how for new and seasoned lenders: from private mortgages on single-family houses to joint ventures on commercial projects, and beyond. Discover details about investment vehicles that you won’t find at your local bank or online broker. Listen and learn from private lenders and real estate investors, as well as from professionals and entrepreneurs as they share the details, strategies, and the insight that allows for successful and prosperous lending. This podcast is geared towards those who command and demand more from their investments. Now, get ready to increase your ROI !!!
Keith Baker started private lending because his last -minute travel schedule made it difficult to keep appointments with contractors, phone calls, visiting properties and managing his property manager.
Keith started the Private Lender Podcast to share his mistakes in hopes of:
1 - helping other private lenders avoid doing the same.
2- providing a forum to bring private lenders and borrowers together
and 3 - increasing awareness of the most passive form of real estate investing there is: Private Lending