
Types of Segmented Lightning Diverters and How They Provide Aircraft Lightning Protection

Types of Segmented Lightning Diverters and How They Provide Aircraft Lightning Protection Learn about the types of segmented lightning diverters and how they provide unique radome lightning protection for different aircraft. Not all aircraft lightning protection is the same, and in this video we'll share how each button shape protects in a different way.

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Segmented lightning diverters protect an aircraft radome from lightning strikes by forcing the lightning to jump through the air, rather than penetrating the composite radome.

By forcing the lightning strike to jump from metal button to button above the aircraft skin, it dramatically reduces the damaging heat and voltage from the lightning. This is what saves an expensive, high-tech radome from lightning damage and keeps an aircraft in service longer.

StrikeTape segmented lightning diverters from Weather Guard are incredibly durable and long-lasting.

Our proprietary edge sealants and easy installation makes them the absolute best choice in lightning protection systems for your radome.

If you have an aircraft that needs the world's best lightning protection, then StrikeTape is what you need in your radome design. Our three different button types are meant to be RF transparent and highly effective.

At Weather Guard, we are lightning protection consultants for radome engineers.

We'll walk you through the radome design, installation and testing procedures to make sure you have the absolute best experience and get your radome out on time.

We believe lightning protection should be easy, so give us a call and let us prove it to you.

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