
Youth Exchange 'ACT LOCALLY FOR A GLOBAL CHANGE', Priekuļi, Latvia 21|09|2019 - 29|09|2019

Youth Exchange 'ACT LOCALLY FOR A GLOBAL CHANGE', Priekuļi, Latvia 21|09|2019 - 29|09|2019 This Youth Exchange project took place in Priekuļi, Latvia from 21/09/2019- 29/09/2019, bringing together 48 participants from Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Turkey. Trough group work, debates, theater, presentations, dance, and creative workshops, we explored the topics of global warming, waste pollution, extinction of species, healthy lifestyle and many more! Together we tried to solve issues connected to the environment and work towards a more sustainable society.


By carrying out the project, we want to become a part of the solution of harming impact human society brings to Earth and to popularize the #youthforclimate movement in our Countries. By carrying out the project's activities, we are aiming at creating a more aware and educated society in the terms of human impact in nature and give the next generations the important message of how crucial it is to take care of nature, not to destroy it. We have to work for nature, not against it because we truly are a part of it. At this time, when our biosphere is experiencing so many changes, we need to take a step back and acknowledge our actions, to improve them for the better. We will educate the participants of our project on the ways they can involve in nature preservation/protection by giving them knowledge and tools of action, to be implemented regionally and internationally.

The project ACT LOCALLY FOR A GLOBAL CHANGE (Proj. Nr. 2019-2-LV02-KA105-002638) was co-funded by the European Union under Erasmus+ program. The European Union Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
#erasmusplus #nonformaleducation #latvianassociationforyouthactivists
#JSPA #JSPA_Latvia #ErasmusPlusLV


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