
WHO AM I? ✨🍃

WHO AM I? ✨🍃 Greetings God's & Goddess' my name is Kassandra and I am a spirtual warrior Goddess. I am passionate about igniting a fire within others, empowering them to achieve their wildest dreams. My purpose is to empower others to see the magik in themselves and the world around them.
Through years of dedication and study, I have reawakened and continue to reawaken my own healing gifts and abilities. Today I've evolved into a passionate Spiritual Development Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner, Meditation Teacher, Card Reader, Artisan, and Alchemist.

I am the creator of Soul Natural. A small boutique shop with a assortment of crystals and crystal jewelry all made under moon light and blessed with reiki ✨ @soulnaturalboutique

A bit of my History & Journey:
I am working on transitioning out of my career in law. I have experience in many areas of law including criminal law, small claims, traffic, employment. My interest in law stemmed from my passion towards conquering injustice, especially for those who do not a voice. I have always had deep knowing regarding my purpose and how I would be a part of the collective of Heroes here to change our world and conceive our New Wonderful Earth.
Today,I am currently enrolled in Ontario's school for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture where I have developed deeper understanding of ancient practices including Qigong and herbal medicine. In addition to this I am studying psychological astrology and how we can use it to create the life of our dreams.
My Primary focus for the past three years has been working with Woman:
I work with woman to identify traumas in their lives guiding them to work through them and ultimately healing their wombs. As woman we are hard wired for deep soul to soul connection. We need our sisters, our doulas, our community of woman to be there and support each other on each of our unique journeys. I have been organizing and hosting Moon Circles for there years now and I am ready to expand my offerings to the world of wild woman.
To start experiencing the magik we must dive within. Only darkness seeds the light. Open and see beyond. It is your time to Blossom

Follow me on Instagram: @ohsoulnatural

I love you!!! ♥️✨


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