

10 SELFHELP HABITS TO STOP SMOKING As absurd as the idea may be, it is actually true. Simple day-to-day habits will help you quit smoking as long as you have the drive to succeed in this endeavor.
1. Say a daily morning mantra every time you wake up
From “I stop smoking” to “Smoking will kill me”, a mantra will help condition your mind all throughout the day. Of course, you can come up with your own mantra and it is best if you include the reasons to quit smoking. Knowing and hearing your reasons for stopping cigarette will keep you motivated not to get even one cigarette stick in the remaining hours of the day up to the time you fall asleep at night. The following morning, say the same mantra again and let it go on and on and on for the following days, months, or even years.
2. Keep track of your progress
This daily practice of marking your calendar on a daily basis will help you keep track of your progress. As you mark off each day that you’ve accomplished without any cigarette smoking, you will feel more fulfilled, satisfied and determined to keep going.
According to Susan Gayle, a behavior modification expert and founder of the New Behavior Institute in New York City:
The first three weeks or 21 days of this practice is very important because it is actually the length of time that is required for a person to really lose a habit.
When you reach an end of the week without going through a single cigarette puff, give yourself some rewards for a job that is well done. Perhaps that new pair of shoes you are dying to have? Or even a simple treat of ice cream will do. Once you pass the three grueling weeks, it is enough to make you stick to a smoking free life for good.
3. Munch some mint-flavored candies
Candies with mint flavors such as wintergreen and peppermint are helpful in giving you relief for your cigarette cravings. These candies will freshen your mouth and remove any unwanted cravings that you might have. So you’d better stash mints everywhere accessible so that you can get accustomed in the inclusion of mints on your daily habit plan.
4. Go for gums
If mints are unavailable, your next option is to chew gum. The act of chewing the gum will keep your mouth busy while its freshening taste will help you relieve your cravings for some nicotine sticks. It will also make your mouth feel fresh which will lessen the desire for smoke.
5. Eat more fruit salads SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL


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