
Injectable – Flutter & Dart Equivalent to Dagger & Angular Dependency Injection

Injectable – Flutter & Dart Equivalent to Dagger & Angular Dependency Injection 📗 Written tutorial & starter project 👇👇

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Dependency injection is necessary if you're not coding spaghetti 🍝 and you want to keep nice layers of separation in your Flutter app's codebase. The problem is that all of the libraries out there, such as get_it or kiwi, are just service locators with no support or limited support for automating the registration of dependencies.

Dagger solves it elegantly for native Android and Angular is also known for its powerful dependency injection framework. Now, we Flutter developers can finally use something similar - the injectable package which is a code generator for get_it.

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resocoder,tutorial,programming,code,programming tutorial,flutter,flutter tutorial,flutter dependency injection,flutter dependencies,dart dependency injection,flutter get_it example,flutter get_it vs provider,flutter dagger,

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