
Best FF14 Trial Job for Experienced MMO Players?

Best FF14 Trial Job for Experienced MMO Players? Hi guys Squintina here and today I'll be doing a rather different type of video.

I wanted to try a mathematical approach to figuring out which job is the most active at low levels.

You might be wondering "why?"
Well, one of the difficult things about switching from one mmo to another is that low level content is often balanced for people who are new to MMO's entirely. This is just like when I go play the WoW trial, which caps me at 20, and I feel like I have so little to press. It's not a criticism of the game, it's just that low level content in most mmo's is balanced around full newbies.

So I can understand that people coming from other MMO's into FF14 might be wondering if there's a job that will make them feel that way less.

So I decided to try to see if I could calculate which job was objectively more active so that people who are coming from endgame in another game don't have to feel so bad.

To do so, I listed all of the ARR job's abilities up until level 35, because that's where the trial ends. If the action is a replacement, like Bio becomes Bio 2, then it is only listed once.
Each action is 1 point. If that action is an OGCD, which means it is an ability that can be used in between actions that have a global cooldown, then it gets another point.
If that action has positionals, which is a form of activity, it's another point.
If that action has an upkeep that ideally you keep up at all times, whether as most bard's damage over time attacks, or monk's self damage buff, then it gets an extra point because it's something you have to track of.

Now of course that doesn't necessarily mean you'll like the job, but if the idea is to get a taste of how active the combat will become later, taking the top active jobs into Sunken Temple of Qarn might be a way to decide if you're interested in making that purchase.

Activity Points
Ninja 40
Monk 31
Bard 29
Summoner 29
Black Mage 28
Paladin 26
Warrior 24
Dragoon 24
White Mage 18
Scholar 16

It also doesn't take into account that tanks are expected to lead the dungeon, which is another form of activity.
Nor does it take into account that as a healer you might have other players who are undergeared and/or playing poorly, which is another form of activity via pressure.
I once had to heal Haukke Manor, a level 28 dungeon, with a tank who was wearing level 1 to 10 gear. It was something.

ffxiv,ff14,final fantasy xiv,final fantasy 14,trial,best job,

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