
Exmouth vet on a mission to create new specialist turtle hospital in northern WA | ABC News

Exmouth vet on a mission to create new specialist turtle hospital in northern WA | ABC News Jane Giliam is on a mission to save endangered turtles — a task with great rewards, but also heartbreak.

A veterinary surgeon based in the seaside town of Exmouth in Western Australia's north-west, her backyard is home to four large tanks with injured sea turtles from the waters between Dampier and Port Hedland.

It is all part of her work at the Ningaloo Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, a not-for-profit organisation which has been operating for the past two years.

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Australia,abc,abc news,news,turtle,sea turtles,vet,exmouth,western australia,wa,wa news,dampier,port hedland,ningaloo sea turtle rehabilitation centre,sea turtle rehabilitation,sick animals,animals,

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