
1 Mindset Mistake That Ruins Fitness Progress

1 Mindset Mistake That Ruins Fitness Progress [ TAKE THE PHYSIQUE QUIZ ]


1 Mindset Mistake That Will Ruin Your Progress

If you're going into this whole building muscle and losing fat thing expecting perfection from yourself - expecting that everything is going to be smooth sailing, and you're just going to go from A to B to C to D in a straight linear fashion - then you're really going to want to adjust your mindset before starting because that's just not how the process works.

No matter what, there are going to be times where your bulking or cutting diet falls off track... where you have dips in your motivation levels... probably some pains and injuries that come up in the gym... issues in your work life or personal life that temporarily distract you from your fitness plan...

This is all completely normal and it happens to everyone at one time or another.

Expecting your training, nutrition and motivation to be 100% on point all the time will only stress you out and lower your chances for success in the long term because you’ll be much more likely to get discouraged when you slip up, resent your fitness plan and eventually burn out.

Yes, you need to work hard and be consistent to build muscle and lose fat effectively, but getting things “right” somewhere around 80-90% of the time is going to be good enough.

If you’re putting in high quality workouts 80-90% of the time, meeting your approximate calorie and macro needs 80-90% of the time, getting enough sleep 80-90% of the time etc., you’ll achieve great results over the long term.

So, when you do inevitably slip up, don’t be too hard on yourself. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Just say, “Okay, this is part of that 10-20% ‘allowance’ that I get to have, it's part of the process,” and then get back on track with your workouts and nutrition as soon as you can.

As long as you continue to make progress and you don’t quit, then you’re going to hit your fitness goal eventually, and ultimately reaching your muscle building and fat loss goal is far more important than the precise time it takes you to get there.

Remember that fitness is not a short-term thing. If you want to build muscle, burn fat and achieve an impressive physique, you’re going to have to train and eat for that body not just for a year or two or three but for the rest of your life.

The bottom line here is to aim for consistent progress rather than perfection.

Not only will you be less stressed out in general this way, but when something doesn’t go as planned, it won’t rattle you in the same way. You’ll understand that there’s no such thing as “going off course” with your fitness program since those slip-ups are part of the course itself.

And remember that it’s the same way for everyone: me, every YouTuber you follow and everyone you see in the gym. Every single person out there deals with ups and downs along the way throughout their fitness journey.

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